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Behavioral Adaptations

Learned Behaviors

Organisms develop special behaviors which are 1.innate behavior and 2.learned behaviors.
Chemotaxis=termites release phermones for communication
Phototaxis=plants responding to light 

The seasonal movement of organisms is called migration. Estivation is prolonged dormancy of an animal during a drought or extreme heat. Hibernation is prolonged dormancy of an animal during the winter or months of extreme cold. Estivation and Hibernation are both innate behaviors. 

Learned behaviors are not inherited, and they can be changed. Habituation is a situation in which an organism stops responding to a stimulus after repeated exposure to it. Imprinitng is learning that occurs in early development tha cannot be changed. Imprinting can be seen in ducks-the first thing they see when they are born become their mother. Camoflague is to look, act or smell to help blend in with surroundings for personal benefit. 

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