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Prokaryotic Cells:
"pro" = before
"karyote" = nucleus 
Therefore prokaryotic = cell without a nucleus.
-smaller and simpler, 1-10 microns in size
-unicellular, filamentous
-plasmid DNA
Eukaryotic Cells:
"eu" = good
"karyote" = nucleus
Therefore eukaryotic = cells with a nucleus.
-larger and more compounded
-linear DNA
-CAN BE multicellular
-includes animal and plant cells
The 2 cell types are Prokaryotic and Eukaryotic cells. Prokaryotic cells are divided into 2 kingdoms, and Eukaryotic cells are divided into four. The nuclear region in prokaryotic cells isn't surrounded by a nuclear membrane like it is in Eukaryotic cells. Also, Eukaryotic cells have more than one chromosome present and Prokaryotic cells have only one. Membrane bound organelles can be found in Eukaryotic cells but not prokaryotic cells. Prokayotic cells divide by fission or budding with no mitosis while Eukaryotic cells divide by mitosis or meiosis. 
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