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Mitosis is the process in which cells divide through four phases: prophase, metaphase, anaphase, and telophase. It is asexual in our body cells.This is the process in which the duplicated genetic material (DNA) is split into two identical daughter cells.  
A. Prophase is the first and longest stage of mitosis. During propase, the nuclear envelope & nucelus dissappears. Also, chromosomes appear and spindle fibers are formed. 
B. Metaphase is the second and shortest phase of mitosis. In this stage, spindle fibers attach to the centromere, and the chromosomes align in the middle of the cell.  
C. Anaphase is the third phase in mitosis in which the chromosomes are pulled to each pole by the mitotic spindle. The sister chromatids are moved to opposite sides of the cell. 
D. Telophase is the fourth and final stage in mitosis in which the nucleus and nucleolus reappear. The chromosomes unwind to direct activity of the cell. The spindle fibers are broken down, and two new nuclei appear at opposite sides of the cell. 
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